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RE: Camping tips for Matlock

Posted by : BCP ( Inappropriate or SPAM?
On Tuesday 27/03/12 at 03:48:13

Thank god your up for it Harry the latest text ive received is troubling :O it seems all was going so well and Bogger had even managed to secure a spot at top nightspot the Golden Cock, the lady boys looked stunning and their dance moves were second to none. Brimming with pride that his shannys had done a top class first act Bogger retired to the bar while JJ took to the floor starting his act with a young gent from the audience. All was going well when suddenly a passing Innova backfired and JJ was spooked plunging his banana in to the young man who fell to the floor screaming o.O it was carnage there was blood everywhere :O it looked like a butchers slab, at this point the colour drained out of Bogger and JJ dropped his loincloth and made for the nearest exit. Police are still looking for John but as Bogger says the show must go on and he currently airing out the loincloth although dry cleaning has failed to remove the bloodstains :/ and is anticipating your arrival.
All the best

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